Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday Setlists for November 6, 2011

In the morning Pastor Ted finished his series on Samson. At least I think so -- he covered Judges 16, the end of Samson. The musical theme centered on the cross.

Music theme: "Our every hope rests on what Christ has done"

Psalm 146 ("Hallelujah, praise Jehovah") -- piano only

Lord Most High/Famous One
I'm forever grateful
The wonderful cross (Tomlin)
I come by the blood (the new sovgrace song we've been learning)

sermon hymn
We have not known thee as we ought -- piano only

In the evening we celebrated the Lord's Table. Derek Minton preached well!

Behold the Lamb (getty)
O sacred head (without accompaniment)

at the table
Fairest Lord Jesus
Till he come

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