Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Just think about it, okay?

"Likewise, churches, if you insist on operating like it's 1963, you might not be too long for this world. If you're just now considering using contemporary music in your worship, you're 20 years behind. If your church is full of politics that strangle your ministry, you just might be put "out of business" by churches who are more concerned with seeing people reached for Christ."

"The Next Big Thing" by Don Chapman.

While I remain unconvinced about the multiple-site church idea (whatever happened to planting indigenous churches?), perhaps I've just never been in a situation where it would make sense. At least read this and think about our music in Reformed Baptist churches. Could it be that our adherance to the Trinity Hymnal actually hinders our growth? Could it be that we could affirm the regulative principle of worship, maintain at atmosphere of gladness and gravity, while using contemporary music styles and instrumentation?

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