Monday, April 6, 2009

Principles for worship at HBC #10

9. We strive for undistracting excellence.

We will try to sing and play and pray and preach in such a way that people's attention will not be diverted from the substance by shoddy ministry nor by excessive finesse, elegance, or refinement. Natural, orderly and undistracting excellence will let the truth and beauty of God shine through.


  1. Ya know--somehow I seem to recollect a time when HBC did worship in "undistracted excellece" but that was before the era of distractions. Need I list all the distractions?

  2. Dear Distracted,
    I guess I'm not sure what you mean. I want to take your comment seriously, but I'm not sure I understand it. Perhaps you're simply trying to make a point: You don't like the music ministry at HBC? You don't like guitar or djembe or me or something else?

    As an aside, brother/sister -- is your comment about "the era of distractions" really as gentle as you mean to be? Is this the best way you know to "build others up"? Could it be you're frustrated, and so are trying to take a stab? If I'm wrong, please give me reasons to think better. I am completely open to your genuine, brotherly-hearted questions and comments.

    Frankly, we work harder than ever at "flow" -- making seamless transitions from one song to the next. We work harder than ever at synching the preached Word and sung Word. We work harder than ever at getting the tech stuff (sound, visual) error-free. We work harder than ever at listening to and following our elder's counsel. We work harder than ever at training a team of musicians to serve musical accompaniment to the congregation's singing. So yes, I think we've made great progress at removing distractions.

    I welcome you to spend time with me while we plan, prepare and rehearse for a Sunday. Perhaps seeing all that goes into a Sunday setlist might help your perspective.

    Your friend,

  3. David,
    I want to encourage you. Thanks for your gracious spirit in your reply to brother/sister "distracted". From what you have shared with us in Elder's meetings, we know that it is your desire to serve the cause of unity. Your soft reply is an excellent model. Thanks.

    With that said, I want to encourage anyone posting here to be gracious, humble and encouraging. We need to be more humble in our speech around HBC. Please do not use this forum as a means of sowing seeds of discord. It is intended for Christ-like ends, such as peace and harmony with your brothers and sisters at HBC.

    With love,
