Monday, November 17, 2008

The Infinite and the Finite

I had one of our seminary students lead us in prayer during the music worship. This is my "NIV" version of p. 190 from The Valley of Vision.

O great I AM,

Fill our minds with exceeding hope

      when we consider a Being with whom one day is as a thousand years,

      and a thousand years as one day.

  You are Almighty God, who,

      amidst the decay of worlds and revolutions of empires --

      you are never unsettled!  You are glorious in your immortality!

 Let us rejoice that,

      while men die, the Lord lives! 

      That while all creatures are nothing more than broken reeds,

                  empty wells, fading flowers, withering grass –

      You are the Rock of Ages! You are the Fountain of Living Waters!

  Turn our hearts away from seeking empty pleasures,

      from grumbling, from anxiety over our present circumstances. 

Turn our hearts to our eternal interest in Christ.

 Help us remember that though life is short and uncertain –

      it is an opportunity for useful service

 Give us, then, a holy "greed" to make the most of every opportunity – 

      so that we may feed the hungry, clothe the naked, instruct the ignorant, reclaim the vicious,  forgive the offender, spread the gospel and love our neighbor as our ourselves.

 While we would live lives of self-distrust,

      teach us greater dependence on you.

This we pray in Jesus. Amen.

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