Thursday, March 12, 2009

How do we grow in physical expressiveness in worship?

This is a 5-part series from Bob Kauflin's blog, worshipmatters.
May the Lord help us who haven't known such freedom to begin to honor God this way. I could always make arguments from nature -- about the inevitable and unavoidable link between making music and physical expression -- but I'd rather our convictions be stuck, first of all, to our Bible. Begin reading here and profit.

1 comment:

  1. His main argument: (he changed the order as below)

    4. Preach and sing the Word, works, and worth of God, centered on the Gospel, to raise the affections of people for God.

    1. Teach on the appropriateness of physical expression in worshipping God.

    2. Teach that physical expression should flow from a heart that desires to bring God glory, and that outward expressions are no sign one way or the other that someone is offering God acceptable worship.

    3. Address the different reasons people might be reserved in their expression and teach on preferring others.
